Meet the Editors

Kaitlan Tatro, a founding editor of Sculpt, is a twenty-year-old book enthusiast who l11702758_10204935295683055_5588235115044369444_noves to read Young Adult fiction, romance, and the Romantic Classics. Kaitlan plans on traveling abroad to England in the spring semester  where she hopes to work on her blogging skills with her new travel blog. Kaitlan studies English and Marketing full time and is excited to put her skills to use on her first literary journal.





Sara Aslagson-Sahar, a founding editor of Sculpt, is a book enthusiast, reading a variety of 11180175_929733453715032_2070897024_ngenres and authors. Her favorite genre 99.9% of the time is Young Adult Fiction, except for the other 0.1% of the time when she falls in love with something else.When she is not reading, she enjoys writing her own works and traveling. Sara currently writes poetry, short stories, and just branched out into spoken word. Here is a performance of her spoken word.







Emily Pooley, a founding editor of Sculpt, is an English major withFullSizeRender an internship at Poetry International and is the Literary Editor at the Aztec Literary Review. As a lover of Young Adult fiction she loves to read Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot. While she appreciates the classic Young Adult love story, she also loves to read stories that deal with difficult situations, in stories like It Happened to Nancy, Go Ask Alice, and Crank.





Previous Editors

Stephanie Romero, a founding editor of Sculpt, bid farewell in DSC01068December 2015. She has served on the editorial board of URJCAL, and served as an editorial intern at Poetry International. Stephanie works as an assistant to an events editor while finishing her B.A. Be sure to read her interview with the acclaimed Sophie Kinsella.