Saint Anything Book Review

By Emily PooleySaint ANYTHING

Growing up with siblings, you can sometimes feel looked over, unimportant or invisible. Sydney Stanford always felt like she was in her brother Peyton’s shadow. Now that he is in jail after a drunk driving incident, she still can’t seem to get the attention she needs from her parents. In Sarah Dessen’s latest novel Saint Anything, she writes “for all the invisible girls”.

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The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland Book Review

By Kaitlan Tatro    30057557.jpg

“The odds of finding love are one in 285,000, but the probability of getting married is 80 percent. There seems to be a discrepancy here.”- Grover Cleveland

In the rainy and stormy winter, The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland by Rebekah Crane was a great read to escape to a summer camp of fun, feeling, and friendship.  Set at Camp Padua in Michigan, Crane brings together a group of misfit teenagers, brought together by their various troubles and disorders. These campers are there for various reasons, but are united by the fact that they all struggle with something in their life.The main character Zander doesn’t believe she fits in with this group of at-risk teens, however, as her journey through the camp progresses, she learns more about herself than she thought she would. By the end of the book, Crane is able to show the realities of their disorders and hardships that many teenagers face, and is  able to show the power of love and friendship in one’s life. Keep Reading!

When We Collided Book Review

By Kaitlan Tatro

whenwecollided.jpg“…we are seventeen and shattered and still dancing. We have messy, throbbing hearts, and we are stronger than anyone could ever know.”

When We Collided by Emery Lord is not your average young adult romance novel. Instead of following the typical boy meets girl and they fall in love storyline, Lord provides readers with a beautiful read that is complicated, funny, and most of all, real. The two main characters, although young, both face obstacles in their lives that affect their everyday. Keep Reading!

Interview with Sophie Kinsella


By Stephanie Romero

sk_maddie_polaroid (2)Sophie Kinsella just released her first Young Adult novel this past summer called Finding Audrey. Sophie Kinsella is the bestselling author of the Shopaholic series as well as many standalone novels. A novel from the Shopaholic series was adapted into a movie in 2009. She started her writing career with novels written under her real name, Madeleine Wickham. In Finding Audrey, Audrey’s journey to recovery with the help of Dr. Sarah, her family, and Linus is just the type of story Sculpt is interested in exploring. It’s difficult to write about a mental illness authentically, but she did so in this novel. I am thrilled to feature this interview.

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The Trend of Book Series

By Kaitlan Tatro

Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 1.35.06 PMWith the emergence of digital eBooks, people seem to be scared that books are “dying” and so is the act of reading. Many articles have come out arguing the case, that fewer teenagers are reading per year and that eventually books will no longer exist. But books in my opinion, will always exist. Especially, when the popularity of book series has grown immensely. Keep Reading!